From taking down the walls and employing professional painters to lifting carpets and taking nails out, there are likely to be a variety of things happening in your house during renovations. The last thing you'll need to be concerned about is your pet's location. Small, playful, or agitated pets can be prone to barking, getting into things they shouldn't be, or even running out the door. Renovations to your home could be stressful for you as well as your pet.
Here are some of the pet-related dangers that you should be mindful of when doing an interior renovation
Heavy Items
Contractors are likely to move furniture, cinder blocks, glass, wood, and other heavy objects when they are renovating a home. Animals who are excited and heavy objects can make for a disastrous combination. It is important to ensure that your pet is secure and in a safe area during renovations to shield them from the dangers.
Poisonous and Hazardous Materials
Cleaning materials, adhesives, paints, and nails, for example, are only a handful of items that could pose danger to the health of a pet when undergoing an upgrade. These products could be poisonous or create dangers to choking. Additionally, pets' naturally curious nature doesn't blend well when exposed to harmful dangers. For instance, cats or dogs might, for instance, be enticed by fresh paint off walls or go through workplaces and find hair on themselves while grooming.
Here's a list that includes poisonous and dangerous materials commonly found in home remodeling:
- Paints:
The degree to which paint can harm your pet is contingent on its kind. Paints with lead are recognized as being extremely harmful, and paints that do not contain lead usually cause minor irritation. For paints with no lead, swallowing or inhaling just a tiny amount will likely cause any harm -- relative to the pet's weight -- apart from mild stomach upset. Ingestions of larger amounts could result in a stomach that is upset or nausea. If you are renovating your home and it involves paint, it's suggested to use environmentally friendly colors and paint services since it is safer for the health of your family than conventional paints.
- Nails or wood chips, as well as small pieces:
Any type of small objects that pets might put into their mouths has the potential of becoming an injury to the choking. The wood chip, nail, and other smaller pieces could appeal to cats, dogs, and even birds. However, they can be detrimental to their well-being in a number of ways. If your pet swallows an object that is sharp, take him to the vet as soon as you can. If your dog swallows an additional foreign object, it might be possible to provide first aid. Wood chips, as well as other objects, might also have harmful substances in them, which makes it a great idea to select a green home decor after the home's renovation.
- Chemicals: The most poisonous chemicals found in work areas for home renovations include adhesives, cleaning products as well as chemical compounds in wood and paint, as described above. The exposure to these chemicals need not happen solely through consumption. Pets can also be at risk when they are in the room where these chemicals are present, particularly if doors and windows are shut.
- Plants:
There are many kinds of plants that are poisonous to pets. It is generally recommended to be aware of which plants can be poisonous to pets. If there are any plants present in your house, it's likely they'll be moved and possibly a danger to your pet when you are renovating. Plants that are poisonous, such as paints, can affect animals' digestive tract. They can cause moderate to severe stomach upset as well as vomiting.